IFLA WLIC 2019 – Poster sessions
Αγαπητοί Συνάδελφοι,
Σας καλούμε να αξιοποιήσετε την ευκαιρία να υποβάλλετε προτάσεις για posters στη σχετική πρόσκληση του 85ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της IFLA που γίνεται στην Αθήνα, 24-30 Αυγούστου 2019.
Η προθεσμία λήγει την 1η Φεβρουαρίου.
Οδηγίες παρέχονται στη διεύθυνση: https://2019.ifla.org/conference-programme/poster-sessions/?cn-reloaded=1
και παρακάτω στο μήνυμα αυτό:
Poster Sessions
Are you involved in an interesting project, new service or application of technology? Does your work represent a major change or impact your users and thereby contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Would you like to share, discuss and network with others about your work. Why not present what you are doing in the IFLA Poster Sessions?
Poster Topics
In 2019, IFLA is seeking applications to present a poster during IFLA WLIC in Athens. Successful applications will:
- Present a new idea/service/programme or application of technology that has a clear relationship to the theme of WLIC (Libraries: Dialogue for change); or to the specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being reported on bycountries in 2019.
These are:- SDG 4 – Quality Education;
- SDG 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth;
- SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities;
- SDG 13 – Climate Action;
- SDG 16 – Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions;
- SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals;
- Lend itself to a poster session; is not too abstract;
- Be inspiring to others.
Additional criteria for evaluation include:
- Appear to be clearly explained;
- Not duplicate another poster, not have the same presenter as another poster (a presenter must be present during the poster session to explain the poster to viewers);
- Describe a project that is ongoing or near completion, not one that is yet to start.
Format Presentation
Your topic could be described on a printed poster or by photographs, graphics and text that you attach to the presentation panel. All IFLA official languages – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish – are welcome.
For printed posters, the standard poster size of DIN A0 841mm wide x 1189mm high is the minimum size. It is recommended that a printed poster be no larger than 900mm wide and 1900mm high.
If you are using photographs, graphics and text, these should also fit within the area of 900mm wide and 1900mm high.
Presenters of a poster will be expected to be present on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 August 2019 in order to explain their poster and to hand out any leaflets, or other information materials, they have available for viewers of their poster. Each presenter can therefore only present one poster. Any organization that submits more than one application should indicate a priority to their submissions or confirm there will be enough staff members available for the presentation.
How to apply
All Poster Proposals are subject to approval by IFLA’s Professional Committee. Please complete the online application form to submit a proposal.
It is important that applicants describe in their abstract how their idea/service/ programme or application of technology aligns with the conference theme or selected SDGs. It should also describe how they intend to present the project in the poster format – what kind of visual materials they will use, for example, photographs, data samples, graphs, etc., and how these illustrate the project or a particular aspect of the work. The poster has to be an experience in itself for the one who looks at it – and should show awareness of the format of a poster-session and its purpose to engage the viewer in conversation.
Special consideration will be given to ensure that a geographical/cultural range will be represented. Applicants should have an expectation of being able to register and attend IFLA WLIC 2019 in Athens at their own cost. IFLA is unable to provide funding to support attendance by poster presenters.
The deadline is 01 February 2019. After the deadline applications will no longer be accepted.
A jury representing the IFLA Professional Committee will review all submissions and decide which Posters will be accepted.
Best IFLA Poster 2019
At the congress the jury will view all posters and select the winner of the Best IFLA Poster 2019 based on the evaluation criteria outlined above. The winner will be announced at the Closing Ceremony.
01 February 2019
Deadline for applications. The online form will not be available after this date.
March 2019
IFLA Headquarters will inform applicants of the final decision of the Professional Committee.
25 August 2019
Posters to be placed on presentation panels at the Congress.
26-27 August 2019
Poster sessions at the Congress
Questions? Please contact: posters@ifla.org.
Με συναδελφικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Η επιτροπή Τύπου και Προβολής του 85ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου
(IFLA WLIC 2019 Athens Press and Promotion Team)
Ιωάννα Δημάκη
Ανθή Κατσιρίκου
Χριστίνα Κυριακοπούλου
Άννα Μάστορα
Χαρά Μπρίντεζη
Μαριλένα Νισοτάκη
Αλεξάνδρα Παπάζογλου
Βίκυ Ρηγάκου
Μπέττυ Τσακαρέστου